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Support for the M.A. Final Project

The Music Department provides standard house and technical support, including a stage manager, preset lighting, house staff, audio recording, and basic publicity for the recital. Music Production Supervisor Dave Morrison should be consulted far in advance of the recital regarding any additional sound/lighting services or equipment that will be needed for the recital. The Music Department office can provide templates for a poster and a recital program.

Each second-year MA student is eligible to apply for funds to be applied to expenses incurred from her/his recital/thesis project. In order to request funds, the student must submit a form (available from the department office) to the Discretionary Funds Committee, c/o the department office, when the committee issues a call for applications each fall. A graduate student active in the program may apply to use these funds in the third, rather than the second, year of enrollment. If the award is to be used for reimbursement of travel expenses for research associated with the recital/thesis project, airline boarding passes and original receipts for other travel expenses must be submitted. For reimbursement for purchases, original receipts and a brief explanation of their purpose must be submitted. All receipts should be submitted to Graduate Program Coordinator, Lisa Beebe.

Each graduate student is entitled to $100 provided for honoraria for adjunct performers for the graduate recital. These funds cannot be used to pay UCSC faculty or student performers. To request payment for non-student performers, please provide Lisa Beebe with the name, mailing address, instrument performed, social security number, and payment amount for each performer, at least one month before the recital. **DO NOT email this sensitive information, drop it off in person in the music office.** You cannot be reimbursed for any payment you make directly to the performers; i.e. performers must be paid directly by the department for this funding to be used. Payment to performers usually takes 4-6 weeks.

The moving and tuning of a maximum of three keyboard instruments (excluding organ tuning) will be provided within regular staff schedules; organ and extra tunings will be charged to the student. Rehearsals in the Music Center Recital Hall will be limited to the month preceding the recital, and should be scheduled with Music Production Supervisor Dave Morrison.

Students may supply the Arts Division Public Events Office (Theater Arts A-218; 459-2787) with details about their recital if they wish the office to publicize the event.