Student Resources
UCSC Student Success:
Web: https://studentsuccess.ucsc.edu/
UCSC Slug Support:
Serving UCSC students in need through preventative outreach, collaboration and care.
Web: https://deanofstudents.ucsc.edu/slug-support/program/
Phone: (831) 459-4446
Email: deanofstudents@ucsc.edu.
UCSC Basic Needs Program:
Online hub for food, housing, health & wellness, financial security and other basic needs resources both on-campus and off.
Web: https://basicneeds.ucsc.edu/
Phone: (831) 459-3675
After-Hours Crisis Services: (831) 459-2628
UCSC Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):
Web: https://caps.ucsc.edu/index.html
Phone: (831) 459-2628
Crisis Assistance: https://caps.ucsc.edu/counseling/crisis-assistance.html
UCSC Campus Advocacy Resources and Education (CARE):
CARE advocates provide nonjudgmental support and resources for survivors of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking, and their significant others.
Web: https://care.ucsc.edu/
Phone: (831) 502-2273
Email: care@ucsc.edu
UCSC Title IX Office:
The Title IX Office is committed to fostering a campus climate in which members of our community are protected from all forms of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, and gender-based harassment and discrimination.
Web: https://titleix.ucsc.edu/
Phone: (831) 459-2462
UCSC Restorative Justice Program:
The UCSC Restorative Justice Program offers students the opportunity to participate in an inclusive and effective dialogue process for addressing harm/conflict and building support within their community. Any student who has been impacted by harmful words or actions, or is experiencing conflict, can request a facilitated, voluntary dialogue process.
Web: https://ches.ucsc.edu/restorativejustice/index.html
Phone: (831) 459-3451
Email: Vduval@ucsc.edu
UCSC Student Health Center:
Web: https://healthcenter.ucsc.edu/
Phone: (831) 459-2211
Email: healthcenter@ucsc.edu
UCSC Disability Resource Center:
125 Hahn Student Services
Web: https://drc.ucsc.edu/
Email: drc@ucsc.edu
Phone: (831) 459-2089
UCSC Learning Support Services (LSS):
LSS aims to promote educational equity for all UC Santa Cruz undergraduate students by fostering interactive, peer-based academic communities through Small Group Tutoring, Modified Supplemental Instruction, Drop-In Services, and Writing Tutoring. At LSS, undergraduate students are developed intellectually, conceptually, and professionally by building a strong foundation for student success and empowerment at the university and beyond.
Web: https://lss.ucsc.edu/
221 Academic Resources Center (ARCenter)
Phone: (831) 459-4333
Email: lss@ucsc.edu
UCSC Career Center:
Web: https://careers.ucsc.edu/
(831) 459-4420
UCSC Financial Aid office:
205 Hahn Student Services Building
Web: https://financialaid.ucsc.edu/index.html
Phone: (831) 459-2963
UCSC Resource Centers:
Web: https://resourcecenters.ucsc.edu/
UCSC Report Hate:
The University of California, Santa Cruz is committed to maintaining an objective, civil, diverse and supportive community, free of coercion, bias, hate, intimidation, dehumanization or exploitation.
Web: UCSC Bias Response
UCSC Problem and Complaint Resolution Resources:
Web: https://ombuds.ucsc.edu/
UCSC Conflict Resolution:
107 Kerr Hall
Web: https://conflictresolution.ucsc.edu/
Email: nheischm@ucsc.edu
Phone: (831) 459-2290
UCSC Student Conduct:
Web: https://deanofstudents.ucsc.edu/student-conduct/index.html
UCSC Principles of Community:
Web: https://www.ucsc.edu/about/principles-community.html
The University of California, Santa Cruz is committed to promoting and protecting an environment that values and supports every person in an atmosphere of civility, honesty, cooperation, professionalism and fairness.
UC Santa Cruz expects that every campus member will practice these Principles of Community.
We strive to be:
- Diverse: We embrace diversity in all its forms and we strive for an inclusive community that fosters an open, enlightened and productive environment.
- Open: We believe free exchange of ideas requires mutual respect and consideration for our differences.
- Purposeful: We are a participatory community united by shared commitments to: service to society; preservation and advancement of knowledge; and innovative teaching and learning.
- Caring: We promote mutual respect, trust and support to foster bonds that strengthen the community.
- Just: We are committed to due process, respect for individual dignity and equitable access to resources, recognition and rewards.
- Disciplined: We seek to advance common goals through reasonable and realistic practices, procedures and expectations.
- Celebrative: We celebrate the heritage, achievements and diversity of the community and the uniqueness and contributions of our members.
We accept the responsibility to pursue these principles in an atmosphere of personal and intellectual freedom, security, respect, civility and mutual support.
UC Santa Cruz is committed to enforcement of policies that promote the fulfillment of our principles of community. These policies include but are not limited to: University of California Personnel Policies for Staff Members; applicable University Collective Bargaining Agreements; Academic Personnel Manual O15-University of California Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline; UC Santa Cruz Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline; UC Santa Cruz Policy on Sexual Assault and UC Policy on Sexual Harassment; UC Santa Cruz Hate Bias Incident Policy. For further information or inquiries, contact the Directors of Academic Personnel and Staff Human Resources; Director of EEO/Affirmative Action Office; Director, Student Judicial Affairs; Title IX Officer; and Campus Ombudsman.
The UC Santa Cruz Principles of Community statement was developed under the aegis of the Campus Welfare Committee, with broad campus consultation, and was endorsed by the Provost’s Advisory Council and the Chancellor in June 2001.