Forrest Balman

User Forrest Balman


Arts Division


Music Center

I understand the importance of music accessibility in countering the exclusivity of Western traditions. Personally, my dyslexia has presented challenges in engaging with music, but I've discovered ways to make the notation process more accommodating for myself. This journey has driven me to compose music that breaks down literacy barriers for performers and offers a distinctive sonic adventure for audiences. I believe promoting music accessibility holds the potential to inspire broader societal appreciation for innate musicality. By enhancing the accessibility of performance, notation, and listening experiences, we can shape a more inclusive world where the transformative essence of music is open to all.

  • Music Accessibility
  • Alternative Notation
  • Web Audio
  • Non-linear Musical Forms
  • J.S. Bach's Chorale Harmonizations

  • Electronic music
  • Web development with an emphasis on music/audio
  • Western Music Theory
  • Jazz performance

Last modified: Nov 26, 2024