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SPRING 2024 Undergraduate Need-Based Scholarship: Application link (application deadline: Friday, October 4th)

This scholarship fund will assist undergraduate students with small awards for expenses related to their music education, including aid with private lesson costs AND remote learning needs for the 2024-2025 school year.

If you feel that you qualify for need-based financial assistance, you are eligible to apply for this fund. Priority is given to students demonstrating the greatest need.

The deadline to apply is Friday, October 4th, 2024. Please email <> if you have more questions about the Need-Based Scholarship.


2024-25 New Student Scholarship: Application link

How to apply:  All submissions MUST be completed by using a Google Form application.

24-25 Prospective Student Scholarship Deadline: January 30th, 2024.

The recording should contain at least two solo pieces in contrasting styles, preferably from different historical periods. 

This scholarship is eligible to all students (regardless of intended major) that have applied to UCSC for the 2024-2025 year. Award offers range from $650-$7000. Offers are made based on eligibility: admissions acceptance to UCSC, performance, interest in attending UCSC. Offers will be made after UCSC sends out their acceptance letters. 

We encourage all interested students to contact the instructor of their instrument to introduce yourself, ask questions (teaching styles? Can we meet? Can I sit in on your lesson? What's your teaching style? What pieces are appropriate to prepare?). Instructor emails can be found at:


Strong performers are encouraged to apply. Awards are available in categories as follows:


Winners of these scholarships will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of vocal ensembles.


Winners of these scholarships will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of chamber music ensembles and larger ensembles.


Winners of these scholarships will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of chamber music ensembles and larger ensembles.


Winners of these scholarships will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of chamber music ensembles and larger ensembles.

Piano, Guitar, Percussion

Winners of these scholarships will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of chamber music ensembles and larger ensembles.

Admission to the program is contingent upon your official acceptance to UC Santa Cruz (information is available at - ).


Resident String Quartet Program

For information, please visit the web-site at:

The music degree programs at UCSC integrate studies in performance, theory, composition, history and literature. The undergraduate students benefit from small classes, abundant attention from nationally and internationally recognized teachers, and a new Music Center with extensive and state-of-the-art facilities for practice, performance, and recording. The UCSC Music Faculty are especially devoted to the integration of scholarship with performance. A wide variety of support is offered to students in the Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts in Music programs, as well as to music minors and other non-majors who wish to continue in the cultivation of their musicianship during their time at UC Santa Cruz. 


Scholarship Opportunities for Continuing Music Students

The UCSC Music Department awards scholarships to continuing music students on the basis of merit.  Competitions are held each May. To compete, a student must be nominated by their teacher.  For first-year students, and transfer and reentering students, auditions will be held at the end of fall quarter at the time of juries to accommodate those who were not enrolled the previous spring.

For more information, please contact

Grant Opportunities for Undergraduates and Graduates

Visit the Arts Research Institute for more information.