The UC Santa Cruz Division of the Arts proudly welcomes you to our state-of-the-art Music Center, set on the edge of the great meadow overlooking the Monterey Bay.
Neighboring the Theater Arts Center, Digital Arts Research Center, and Baskin Visual Arts, the $21 million Music Center anchors a cluster of arts facilities located above the Great Meadow. The facility offers performance venues as well as classrooms and teaching studios outfitted with advanced audio-visual technology and with state-of-the-art digital audio, video, and recording systems.
The center was designed by award-winning Albuquerque architect Antoine Predock, known worldwide for creating buildings that blend in with their environment. Predock described the UCSC Music Center as a combination of "the poetic topographic elements of the UCSC campus -- ravine, meadow, and rocky outcropping -- organized in a choreographed sequence to form a music village where the great meadow meets the edge of the redwood forest."
The building is arranged around a central plaza embracing stunning vistas of the tree-ringed meadow and the Monterey Bay. The center's courtyards, hallways, and sightlines evoke the gullies, canyons, and gentle slopes of the surrounding hillsides.
The Music Center is open daily 7:00 a.m. to 12 Midnight everyday excluding legal holidays. Hours during the Winter Break and Summer Break are 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The practice rooms are available during facility hours.