Getting Started
Declaring a Major
1) All students interested in declaring a major must first pass MUSC 30A with a “C” or better (with the exception of students interested in declaring the Global Musics concentration of the Music B.A. major, who only need to pass MUSC 14 or 16 with a “C” or better).
- MUSC 30A is typically offered in the Fall as part of a year long theory sequence, and in Spring as a standalone course (for Major/Minor tracks that only require MUSC 30A). MUSC 30A is the prerequisite for many upper-division major requirements. Other courses that will fulfill major requirements that you can take before passing 30A are MUSC 14, MUSC 16, lessons, ensembles, and courses in the MUSC 11/80/81 series. Occasionally, if proficiency can be shown, students can take other courses by instructor permission, on a case-by-case basis.
2) Complete an online “Petition for Major/Minor Declaration” form in your MyUCSC portal;
- If you are declaring the Music B.M. major, or the Western Art Music concentration of the Music B.A. major, you must obtain your applied instrument instructor’s signature on the “Primary Instrument Instruction Authorization” form (also available in the Music Department Office);
- Note: Students who demonstrate insufficient potential when auditioning for individual instruction may have limited access to lessons, and they may be denied entry to the major.
3) Once you have completed your declaration form and obtained your primary instrument authorization signature (if necessary), schedule a meeting with the Undergraduate Adviser to draft an academic plan and complete the declaration process. Advising can be scheduled via email at <music@ucsc.edu>.
4) Consult a music faculty member (anyone from this list) about being your Faculty Adviser. Once you have settled on a FA, have them sign your “UCSC Academic Planning Form”, where it says “Adviser, major 1” in the bottom left.
Undergraduate Programs

BA: Music
The Music B.A. is separated into three concentrations: “Contemporary Practices”, “Global Musics”, and “Western Art Music”. Note that these are not separate degrees…

BM: Music
The Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degree is designed for exceptionally-talented musicians who wish to pursue a career in performance. B.M. students will focus in a primary instrument or in voice…

Theory Placement Exam
The Theory Placement Exam will determine what level theory majors will being with which can effect time to graduation. Students that have taken theory courses or the AP Music Theory exam are still required to take the Placement Exam. Credits for the courses taken from other schools/AP Exams may transfer over and contribute to the student’s class standing, however, the Placement Exam is the only way students can test into the correct theory level for their background.
Declaring a Minor
**You must have a major declared before declaring any minor(s)**
Electronic Music Minor: Students who have taken MUSC 80C or MUSC 30A, and have taken or enrolled in MUSC 123 may declare the EM minor.
Jazz, Spontaneous Composition and Improvisation Minor: Students who have passed MUSC 30A and have begun taken ensembles towards the minor requirements may declare the Jazz minor.
Western Art Music Minor: Students who have passed MUSC 30A and have begun taking lessons and ensembles on their primary instrument towards the minor requirements may declare the WAM minor.
Minor Programs

Western Art Music
The goal of the Western Art Music Minor is to provide a focus for musicmaking activities, by way of establishing a strong background in music theory, history, and performance.

Electronic Music
The electronic music minor focuses on the study of creating music with the tools of modern technology. It is designed to complement the music major or programs in other media by providing instruction in advanced skills of audio production, sound synthesis, composition, and computer-assisted composition.

Jazz, Spontaneous Composition, & Improvisation Minor
The Jazz, Spontaneous Composition and Improvisation Minor (hereby: “Jazz Minor”) focuses on the study of the history, theory, and performance of jazz and other improvised musics. In addition, students may be introduced to musical styles that have had profound influences on the uniquely American art form of jazz: folk and popular musics of Africa, Europe, South Asia and the United States and Western classical music. The Jazz Minor is limited to students who have sufficient performance proficiency to pass auditions for entry into the jazz ensembles.

Lessons and Juries
The department has an extensive and accomplished applied music faculty for individual instruction. Some degrees require enrollment in applied lessons as part of the coursework. Please refer to the degree requirements pages for each Music major and minor.

Transfer Students
The Music Department encourages transfer students to take the core curriculum placement examination and seek academic counseling before transfer.
Transfer students with some background in college-level music theory normally test into Music 30A, which is typically offered fall quarter.
Explore Our Department

Summer Session 2024
Plan for summer this winter!
Our broad summer curriculum is designed for UCSC students to continue making degree progress. We also welcome high schoolers and visitors from other colleges to our world-class research university.
In addition to Summer Session, our office coordinates Summer Edge exclusively for incoming students. The Edge programs allow students to earn units towards graduation while building community and confidence on campus as they transition into university life.

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